
Basking Shark Photo ID

563 records on 57 pages

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South-West England

Notch near tip of fin; Welts along TE of LHS and towards to LE.View
South-West England

Fin too dark to determine features; Very rounded fin apex - possibly missing or bent over.View
South-West England

Slight nick on TE between mid and bottom thirds; Pigmentation blotches towards base of fin.View
South-West England

Male; 2 notches close together low down on TE; Pigmentation marks in top third; one distinctive line from LE towards notches; Obvious pigmentation blotches covering the fin; one particular darker patch at base towards LE.View
South-West England

Pigmentation blotches evenly spread throughout both LHS and RHS of fin. Notch in upper TE and smaller notch lower down between mid and bottom thirds.View
South-West England

TE has a few nicks in that give the edge a crimped appearance.View
South-West England

Not much of fin showing and image is very dark; Apex is either bending over to one side or is missing.View
South-West England

Scrape on LE in mid third; Pigmentation mark that runs parallel to LE.View
South-West England

Female; Top of fin is missing.View
South-West England

Male; Fin is a very strange shape and is either bent over or has a large notch in the TE with the apex missing; Although fin is distinctive; surface features can't be seen.View