
Basking Shark Photo ID

563 records on 57 pages

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South-West England

Pattern of pigmentation marks on LHS.View
South-West England

Notch in TE between top and mid thirds: Pigmentation speckles on top third with larger speckles lower down.View
South-West England

Two notches in TE.View
South-West England

LE of both dorsal and caudal fins scraped.View
South-West England

Rope burn at tip of fin along LE; Fin has lots of pigmentation blotches visible.View
South-West England

Fin tip is bent over towards the RHS; LE is odd shape as slightly roman bump near base; Dark pigmentation line from the centre of LE towards the middle of the fin.View
South-West England

Large notch in TE between top and mid thirds; Images are too dark to determine any surface features but fin is distinguishable based on the notch.View
South-West England

Circular mark on RHS between top and mid thirds on LE - possibly lamprey; Bad angle of LHS but there is a mark visible near the LE in the same position as RHS.View
South-West England

Poor quality images but can just about make out some speckling on RHS and blotches on LHS.View
South-West England

Images are unclear so can't determine features; however fin is very triangular in shape.View